Feb 20, 2019
First up tonight it's David Icke who discusses the recent revoking of his travel visa by the Australian government.
Then it's the Q Army... in the Matrixxx and Shady Grooove join us for a full night of Q...
IntheMatrixxx has been researching Bloodlines, monetary systems and symbolism for decades. Focusing on researching the cabal and what they believe in and how they do what they’ve done to the population. Matrixxx has developed a large Twitter following by being a conduit and a good steward of information from the Q research boards to Twitter. Almost every Q post is on his twitter timeline.
Shadygrooove is researcher for over 2.5 decades into the lie called history, and the corrupt elite who sit atop the largest criminal organization to enslave mankind ever created (Cabal). ShadyGrooove started the Truth for Freedom channel on you tube and hosts the Q Lounge Live Friday nights at 10pm Eastern along with his co host intheMatrixxx.
Air date: February 20, 2019