Sep 28, 2016
Race Hobbs is the founder of KGRA db, The Planet. He is a radio veteran and someone who has been at the front of alternative media, UFO research and freedom of speech for many years...leading the way for radio hosts, authors and those who want to find the truth...and tonight we have a very open and free-form discussion on many topics that we don't usually cover on Fade to Black...certainly one is politics...and this year, unlike any other time in US history, politics is truly flaming emotions around the country...and one thing is for sure: after listening to this show there will be a ton of comments...and it is to be expected...but listen to this show to the very end before you do post your comment...and try to understand what is making you think and say the things you do before you do it...that being said, enjoy the show.
Air date: September 28, 2016