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FADE to BLACK w/ Jimmy Church Podcast

Hello, FADE to BLACK listeners and Fadernauts! Take a look around... this is our new page.

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Apr 28, 2022

Tonight, Thursday on FADE to BLACK: It's another Fadernight with open-lines all night long!

Your calls, your conversation: UFOs, Conspiracy, Lost History, Time Travel and the Paranormal and Supernatural... un-edited, un-screened, and un-censored!!!

Fadernight is the greatest night of Talk Radio in all of the world.


Apr 27, 2022

Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Dave Schrader is back and tonight we are going to talk about the Marvel Universe... and how they are covering the Gods...
Moon Knight: Egyptian, Shang-Chi: Japanese, Thor: Norse, and the Eternals: Roman. Dave and I are appearing together for the first time!

Dave Schrader is the...

Apr 26, 2022

Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Scott Wolter is with us to discuss the Templars and UFOs... the first time we have been together on video for the Fadernauts!

Scott is an author and host of America Unearthed and has been the President of American Petrographic Services since 1990.

Scott is responsible for the...

Apr 25, 2022

Tonight, Monday on FADE to BLACK: Whitley Strieber joins us for The Interview... the first time we are both on screen at the same time...

As someone who has changed our worldview, Mr. Strieber is one of the iconic cultural figures of our time.

Whitley is the author of the Communion series of books and many novels...

Apr 21, 2022

Tonight, Thursday on FADE to BLACK: It's another Fadernight with open-lines all night long!

Your calls, your conversation: UFOs, Conspiracy, Lost History, Time Travel and the Paranormal and Supernatural... un-edited, un-screened, and un-censored!!!

Fadernight is the greatest night of Talk Radio in all of the world.
