Sep 30, 2020
Tonight, John Greenewald will be discussing the latest from The Black Vault and who would make a better Disclosure POTUS???
John began researching the secret inner workings of the U.S. Government in 1996 at the age of fifteen. He targeted such groups as the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, Air Force, Army, Navy, NSA, DIA,...
Sep 29, 2020
Tonight our guest is Jonny Enoch and we are going to talk about Silvia Browne's book: Prophecy: What the Future Holds for You... published over 15 years ago with some very interesting pages that seem to directly talk about 2020, and the crazy year that we are currently going through.
Jonny’s ground-breaking research...
Sep 28, 2020
Tonight is part eight of our Quittspiracy Series with Jason Quitt.
We are calling it Quittspiracy 8- we don't know why we picked this number, but they'll be a conspiracy theory started about it very soon.
Tonight we are going to reveal more conspiracy theories and take your phone calls about your conspiracies and rate...
Sep 24, 2020
Tonight: is another Fadernight with open lines all night long... your calls, your conversation about UFOs, Conspiracy, Time Travel, the Paranormal and Supernatural and Lost History.
Air date: September 24, 2020
Sep 23, 2020
Tonight our guest is Gregg Housh and we are going to discuss Artificial Intelligence and the Sinularity.
Gregg spent much of his teens and early 20s evading an FBI task force while helping to operate the Internet's foremost software pirating rings and otherwise living the life of a criminal hacker. In 2000 the chase was...